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02nd Sep 2012

Intense Weekend? Try Our Sunday Night Beauty Session…

Feeling a bit wrecked after the weekend? Looking a bit ragged? Try the following do-it-yourself beauty tips to have you looking great by the time Monday morning rolls around...


The weekend is great, isn’t it? You get to relax, chill out and forget about the boring humdrum that is the working week. The weekend offers a chance to catch up with friends, hit the town and remember what life is all about: fun.

However, overdoing it on the weekend can not only leave us absolutely wrecked by the time Sunday evening rolls around, all that eating, drinking and sleep-deprivation can play havoc with our looks as well.

If you usually resemble Gollum first thing on a Monday morning, why not try our simple Sunday Night beauty session? Not only will you go to bed feeling relaxed and calm, you’ll wake up feeling bright, refreshed and looking amazing too.

Perk up your skin by raiding your fridge: Yes, raiding your fridge, you heard us. A lot of us have this misunderstanding that if you want a great skincare product you have to be willing to pay for it. Not true. Do you want to know the best way to perk up your skin and make it glow? Grab a tub of natural yoghurt and slather it on your face. Trust us. That’s all you need to unblock pores, brighten up dull skin and get rid of any flaky dryness. If you want extra-glow, add a bit of lime juice to the yoghurt.

Leave the mask on for a good fifteen minutes, then rinse off with warm water. We guarantee you’ll feel the difference – your skin will be smooth and soft. But that’s not even the best part. The following morning, you’ll look great!

Get rid of bags by…eh…using bags: Have you had a few late nights this weekend? Are the bags under your eyes so bad you could start carrying stuff around in them? No problem. The next time you have a cup of tea, use two teabags (bear with us here). Once you’ve brewed a cuppa, take the teabags and leave them to cool. When they’re cold to the touch, place them over your tired eyes for fifteen minutes and relax.

The caffeine in the bags will help to get rid of any hints of tiredness and gently smooth the skin around your peepers.

Get your shine on: If your nails and hair look a bit dull, grab a bottle of olive oil – honestly? It’s better than all the current hair care oils out there at the minute. Take one tablespoon of olive oil and massage it into your scalp before running it down through your hair. Next, wrap your hair up in a towel and let the olive oil do its work for an hour.

In the meantime, if your nails are brittle and dry looking, soak them in a small bowl of olive oil for twenty minutes – do this every week for the next few months and you’ll never have a broken nail again.

Once the oil in your hair has set for an hour, take a warm shower and wash and dry your hair like you normally would. Your hair will be glossy and soft when you’re done.

Get your beauty sleep: Before bed, take a bath – this will relax your body completely making it really easy for you to drift off to sleep. Pour a few drops of lavender oil into the warm water if you want to relax and get rid of any achy muscles you might have.

If you want your bath to double as a body moisturizing session, then swap the lavender oil for a few drops of rose oil instead. Rose oil will deeply nourish dry skin and leave it feeling soft and supple. Rose oil is also great if it’s that time of the month – not only will it nourish your skin, it’ll also soothe any pesky, painful cramps and taking regular rose oil baths can actually lighten your periods if you suffer from heavy ones. Fact.

Some quality me-time is essential for every woman, so distract yourself from the Sunday night blues by taking the time to have a bit of a pamper. Not only will you sleep well, you’ll also wake up brighter and look amazing as you face the start of another week.