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18th Jul 2017

Woman divorces husband over ignored text messages

She used read receipts as evidence.

Jade Hayden

Giving the ‘seen’ on WhatsApp is one of the cruellest things you can do to a person.

It’s not ideal at all but ending a marriage over it is extreme to say the least.

A Taiwan woman decided to do just that after her husband refused to respond to her texts on messaging app ‘Line.’

She used the blue tick beside the messages indicating that the text had been read to prove that he had been ignoring her messages.


The BBC reported that the woman had sent her husband several serious messages that he had chosen to ignore.

In one message, she reportedly told him that she had been admitted to hospital after a car accident. In another, she texted that she was in the emergency room.

He failed to reply to either message.

The judge ruled that the couple’s marriage was “beyond repair” and that the woman was entitled to a divorce.

According to evidence, the woman received a ‘brief’ message a few months after her accident concerning the couple’s dog, which “didn’t show any concern for her.”

The court heard that the couple had been experiencing other problems, but that the read receipts were the last straw.