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30th Jun 2012

The Swedish Police Force Issue Teddy Bear Appeal

Sick of bad news? Check out this heart-warming story about the Swedish police force, who are trying to reunite a young girl with her teddy bear...


There’s a lot of bad news out there at the minute – is anyone else going to scream the next time they hear the words ‘recession’ or ‘debt crisis’ or is it just us?

Anyway, we figured that a little bit of good, positive, heart-warming news was in order. If you’re having a bad day, hopefully this will put a nice little grin on your face. And if you’re already in the midst of ‘the-best-day-of-your-life-ever!’ we hope this story will continue to keep you smiling from ear to ear like an eejit.

Let the warm-fuzzies commence!

Police in Sweden have issued a public appeal to help a young girl find her missing teddy bear. Yes, really.

According to reports, police in Stockholm have taken to Facebook and posted a picture of a missing teddy bear on their page in an attempt to help reunite a young girl named Tyra with her beloved bear.

Kristin Blomqvist, Tyra’s mammy, has said that her daughter has been upset and distressed ever since Mr Bear went walkabout. In an attempt to find him, Ms Blomqvist printed out “missing teddy bear” posters and hung them up around Kungsholmen where she lives.

A police officer spotted one of the posters, took a photograph and promptly uploaded it to the police force’s official Facebook page with the following note: “Together, through ‘liking’ this picture, spreading the link and keeping our eyes open, we can make it so Tyra gets her beloved teddy bear back. Be sure to leave the bear at the nearest police station so Tyra can see her friend again.”

However, some people have hit back at the police force on the social networking website saying that they should have better things to do with their time.

You’ll be pleased to hear that the police wrote back with this response: “The article above was written by an off-duty policeman, so the cost to us was zero. If we, through two minutes’ work, can help her get her friend back, we’d say it’s good prioritizing, don’t you think?”

We don’t know about you, but we’re inclined to agree. We hope Mr Teddy finds his way back to Tyra as soon as possible!
