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20th May 2016

The 10 most popular passwords on LinkedIn have been revealed

The hackers had a pretty easy job to be fair...

Rebecca Keane


It may be time to check your passwords.

Following the recent news that a hacker is selling user credentials from LinkedIna whopping 117 million user’s accounts have been compromised.

mathsvia Giphy

The passwords were encrypted by the hacker so they can’t be read, but researchers at LeakedSource have been able to decrypt them.

According to their findings, the same easy, basic passwords get used over and over again.

Seriously people?

The top password has been revealed as 123456. Just incredible.

Rank Password Frequency
1 123456 753,305
2 linkedin 172,523
3 password 144,458
4 123456789 94,314
5 12345678 63,769
6 111111 57,210
7 1234567 49,652
8 sunshine 39,118
9 qwerty 37,538
10 654321 33,854

Time to change that basic password people!