She revealed that Minster Simon Harris rang her to personally apologise for what happened to her.
Earlier this week, it was revealed that a new helpline has been set up following the recent announcement that a number of patients were given incorrect test results at the time of the Cervical Cancer tests.
The HSE released figures on Friday 27 April stating that in 206 cervical cancer cases, the delay in the cancer being detected following smear tests suggested that these women missed out on earlier intervention.
It was then announced that the Cervical Check team could not confirm whether these women involved had actually been informed.
At the centre of this scandal was Vicky Phelan, the terminally ill woman whose incorrect cancer test result has shone a light on the failings in the CervicalCheck programme
On Saturday night, she revealed that Minister for Health Simon Harris called her personally to apologise.
Vicky Phelan tells Ray about her conversation with @SimonHarrisTD about cervical smear tests. #RayDarcyShow is live @rteone now.
— The Ray D'Arcy Show (@RTERayDarcyShow) April 28, 2018
She went on to tell the audience about her reaction at the exact moment she discovered that her cancer was terminal, and the incredibly difficult process of informing her family about the diagnosis:
The incredibly brave Vicky Phelan tells Ray about the moment she found out her cancer was terminal. #raydarcyshow
— The Ray D'Arcy Show (@RTERayDarcyShow) April 28, 2018
Also, during the interview, as she is tell Ray about the confidentiality agreement she was asked to sign, news broke that the Clinical Director of CervicalCheck, Dr Gráinne Flannelly, had informed the HSE the she was to resign her position.
As she tells Ray about her recent court action Vicky Phelan reacts to new just in that the Clinical Director of CervicalCheck, Dr Gráinne Flannelly is to resign. #raydarcyshow
— The Ray D'Arcy Show (@RTERayDarcyShow) April 28, 2018
The entire interview was incredibly brave and hugely emotional, and obviously viewers had nothing but tremendous respect for Vicky Phelan:
Everyone should watch Vicky Phelan’s interview from the #RayDarcyShow, what an extraordinarily strong woman. Knowing the time she has left with her family is limited & fighting her case that’s revealed the shocking circumstances she and over 200 women have to face.
— Amy Burke (@amylou_burke) April 29, 2018
Can't decide which of Vicky Phelan's characteristics I admire most. Her strength, her resourcefulness, her composure, her courage, her dignity, her selflessness. What a truly incredible person. Such a moving interview. Hope treatment gives her time with her family. #RayDarcyShow
— Niamh Fitzpatrick (@NFitzPsychology) April 28, 2018
#RayDarcyShow #vickyphelan wasn't told about her false negative for 3 years; and a number of other women who weren't informed have since died. It's not just unbelievably appalling behaviour by those responsible, it's criminal behaviour-& they should be held accountable for it
— AliasSmith&Jones (@laughinglashes) April 28, 2018
Vicky Phelan is an inspiration. I'm in awe of her bravery and strength. The State should be paying for her drug trials etc. That's the least it can do. Human error happens. But not telling her about it in 2014 is unforgivable. #raydarcyshow #CervicalCheck
— Sinead O'Donnell (@sodonnellnews) April 28, 2018
If ever anyone deserved a miracle #VickyPhelan does, such a brave woman., she has done us all a great service #raydarcyshow
— Alice O'Donnell (@AliceODonnell10) April 28, 2018
"I was absolutely adamant that I as never going to sign a confidentiality agreement" When you want to cry and applaud in your living room at the same time. #raydarcyshow #vickyphelan
— Shirley Donovan (@ShirleyDonovan) April 28, 2018