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06th Mar 2014

Lack of Biros Blamed for Public Order Offences at Limerick Garda Station

Ink-redible news from Limerick!

Una Kavanagh

Continuing with the theme of unusual news in Ireland today, it seems there’s severe ink-shortage in Limerick that’s causing trouble in one of the busiest Garda stations in the city.

According to the Limerick Leader, numerous people have been prosecuted in the city for abusive and threatening behaviour towards Gardaí, with at least one case where an argument broke out in the Henry Street station after they were told to leave and return with their own biro because there was none available for use.

The report in the Limerick paper details how Judge Eugene O’Kelly heard the case of one defendant, who began to verbally abuse Gardaí after being told to get his own pen when signing on as a condition of his bail.

Judge O’Kelly spoke of his concern at the “lack of biros” at the station and admitted that this in fact wasn’t the first time he had been made aware of such a complaint.

“It’s not acceptable that people, who are coming in to sign on in compliance with their bail are being, told to go away and return with their own biro” he said.

“I am hearing it too often and too frequently.”
