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03rd Jun 2018

Student orders takeaway so the delivery driver can get rid of a spider


Kyle Picknell

This is a two-for-one deal really. A takeaway and a vanquished spider.

Home alone. Spider on the wall. Who do you call? Ghostbusters? No. Absolutely not. Deliveroo. Apparently.

Demi, a Criminology student from Bournemouth n the UK, found herself in a tight situation due to a severe arachnophobia, and had no-one else to turn to. A friend suggested she order food from Deliveroo, and see if the driver would be so kind as to remove the gentle creature from her home.

Apparently not wanting to order food for no reason (stupid – you can eat the food regardless of the spider), she slid into the Roo’s DMs to ask exactly how possible the extra service was.

Fortunately for her, the delivery driver was well up to the task.

Although he did keep his helmet on. It definitely can’t hurt you now mate. You’re sound now pal. Unbreakable.

Demi told Buzzfeed about the ordeal, which quickly went from fine, to fine and then back once again to being fine:

“He asked how big it was and said he would give it a go, asking where it was. When I pointed at the top of the stairs handing him the tissue roll and getting him a chair to stand on, he then reached for the spider and accidentally dropped it on the floor where it began to run which made me panic more, he said: ‘Look away, don’t look’.”

Judging by the picture: look how tiny the spider is. You can barely see the thing. Does this really warrant a 16″ deep pan double pepperoni?

In my mind, yes. But only for the pizza.

Demi took to Twitter to express her gratitude after the ordeal to her knight, not in shining armour, but in a crash helmet and with a Deliveroo cube strapped to his back.

What a story. What a journey. Let’s never, ever, do this again.