One of the UK’s largest toy retailers is set to remove all gender-bias from their online directory – adopting a gender-free approach for shoppers in the lead up to Christmas.
Toys R Us announced the move earlier today, with the gender filters already removed from its UK website.
According to The Independent, the toy company made the decision after parents complained that the gender stereotyping was discouraging children from their chosen toys – including boys with dolls or girls playing with trains and construction sets.
Shoppers will instead be asked to browse the online catalogues by child’s age group, the toy brand or the type of toy they’re after.
Which should finally means that children won’t feel judged for opting for one toy over the other.
The move follows other retail giants like Marks & Spencer, Boots, Tesco and Sainsbury’s that are adopting a unisex approach to marketing their products aimed at children.
The news has been welcomed by a series of groups campaigning for gender-neutral marketing for toys.
Let Toys Be Toys spokeswoman Jess Day told The Independent that her group are now awarding retailers “for marketing toys in a way that is inclusive to both boys and girls”.