Getting your beauty sleep is actually a lot more complicated than hitting the 6-8 hour mark.
While this is the expert recommended amount, it can be frustrating when you DO get your eight hours in and still feel groggy.
When we delve a little deeper into the science of sleep, this is all down to sleep cycles, which usually last around 90 minutes or so.
If you wake up in the middle of a cycle, you will likely feel tired even if you did get eight hours or more.
Sounds great in theory, but realistically not something we’re going to work out every night before setting our alarm.
Well now there’s a website that will do all the hard work for you, and tell you exactly what time to go to bed and get up.
Spotted on, does its calculations based on the fact that it takes a person 14 minutes to fall asleep on average.
You simply enter what time you need to get up at and it will give you bedtime suggestions.
Our seven-year-old selves are very confused as to why we would actually get excited over someone telling us to go to bed, but nevertheless… we are.