An eggplant condom.
Yep, Durex has come up with a new emoji-inspired ‘savoury’ condom , termed the ‘Eggplant’.
The aubergine/eggplant joins Durex’s long list of flavoured condoms which already includes banana, chocolate and strawberry.
Although the news was announced on the Durex Global Twitter account, there’s every chance it’s all one big joke.
#BreakingNews: We’re launching an exciting new savoury #condom range – Aubergine flavour! ? #CondomEmoji
— Durex Global (@durex) September 5, 2016
Of course, people are having great fun in their responses to Durex’s tweet.
Most seem to think it’s a bit of a ridiculous concept and some of the tweets sent in reply are brilliant.
Have a look at these.
.@durex hi guys, just a quick one. How have you prepared and cooked the aubergine? Thanks.
— Josh Barrie (@joshbythesea) September 5, 2016
@durex Can’t wait for the food bloggers’ reviews.
— Stephendra Kulbrat (@stephenkulbrat) September 5, 2016
@durex guys, #BREAKING is the worst possible hashtag you could use for this.
— Richard Cook (@cookywook) September 5, 2016
@durex i refer you to my earlier tweet about the use of the word “breaking”
— Richard Cook (@cookywook) September 5, 2016
@durex @HoeZaay egg plant has a flavour? ??
— Bahadur (@my2bit) September 5, 2016
@durex @_1lucky eew! Is that real?! At least come out w pizza flavor! Lol
— jeannette lynch (@jeannettelync11) September 5, 2016
@durex seriously ??? ????????
— prianca saraswat (@tweet2PS) September 5, 2016