Choosing the right the condom size for your partner can be a minefield.
You don’t want to make him feel insignificant by over-estimating, but underestimating might lead to an even bigger row.
Now it looks like the XL vs XXL problem might finally be solved, thanks to the brainchild of a Taiwanese student.
Guan-Hao Pan has invented the ‘Love Guide’ packaging system, which matches the penis to a vegetable in order to determine which size fits best.
The packaging comes in five different shapes and sizes – courgette, carrot, banana, turnip and rather frightening five-inch-wide cucumber.
A quick squeeze of the guide model helps the user decide which shape matches their own member best.
In case you’re thinking this is just a fad – research says that there is something valuable here.
The Indian Council of Medical Research has pointed out that 20 per cent of condoms are ineffective because they aren’t the right size for their user.
Guan-Hao Pan said: “Studies show that more than 60 per cent of users choose a wrong size while shopping for condom. In addition to discomfort, wrong size selection increases the risk of slippage and rupture.”
Meat and two veg now has a whole new meaning…
Hat tip: The Metro.