Bullying is definitely one of the most traumatic experiences a child can go through.
Even though there isn’t an easy way too deal with the problem, this is definitely the wrong way. Zeman Elementary School fifth-graders were recently sent home with a flyer to help teach them how to act if they’re being bullied.
Rule #7: Do not tell on bullies. The number one reason bullies hate their victims, is because the victims tell on them. Telling makes the bully want to retaliate. Tell an adult only when a real injury or crime (theft of something valuable) has occurred. Would we keep our friends if we tattled on them?
Rule #8: Don’t be a sore loser.
Rule #9: Learn to laugh at yourself and not get “hooked” by put-downs. Make a joke out of it or agree with the put-down. For example: “If you think I’m ugly, you should see my sister!”
Don’t worry though, after being inundated with outraged parents, the school district responded and apologized, with a portion of a letter written by the school’s principal:
A flyer that contained inaccurate information regarding how to handle bullying situations was sent home with Zeman Elementary School fifth-graders.
Our educators at Zeman Elementary School work hard to provide accurate and appropriate lessons and education for our students in how to handle bullying situations. The flyer was sent home with good intentions, unfortunately, it contained advice that did not accurately reflect LPS best practices regarding response to bullying incidents.
The district responded to parents on Facebook, stating that teachers and counselors will be addressing the issue in the future.