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18th Sep 2016

One underage teenager has quite an unusual method to getting served alcohol

Now don't be getting any ideas...

Rebecca Keane

Not all of us did it when we were younger, but a bold few did.

Many teenagers can’t wait before their 18th birthday to sample alcohol, so they come up with a whole load of clandestine ways to try get their hands on the goods.

I can, absolutely, entirely swear that I took my Confirmation pledge completely and utterly seriously until I was  16 18 and abstaining from drink for so long is something that I’m still proud of to this day.


One teen in the U.K. was trying to buy alcohol without his ID and his approach to getting the goods seems a little far-fetched even to me.

Twitter user yung azz posted pictures of his friend attempting to get served, but his plan wasn’t to get a fake ID or chance his arm at looking 18, but rather… he dressed up as his MAM and used her work ID.

muma muma1 muma2


We’re not sure whether the cashier sold him the drink out of pity or whether he pretended to have no voice, but it can’t be denied that THAT is dedication.