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19th Dec 2015

One Girl’s Angry But Hilarious Note To Her Parents Is Going Viral After Arguing The Truth About Santa

This was the most original sign-off we’ve ever come across.


It was never going to be an easy conversation.

It’s also one of the first times you realise that your parents can lie to you.

This week so a meltdown of epic proportions in one Maryland home, after a mum had to have a pretty honest talk with her 10-year old daughter.

Nicki Adams was being questioned every day by her daughter on the existence of Santa, so after some long-hard deliberations she explained:

“Belle asked point blank about Santa and she’s been asking every day. So we were truthful and she may never speak to us again… especially when we lost our ever-loving shit at the pictures on the right that she slid under the door to us.”

belle letter

Image: Nicki Adams Facebook Page/ The Huffington Post

Speaking to the Huffington Post, Adams said that although they were upset for Belle, they also couldn’t help but laugh at the drama of the notes which read:

‘You have no idea what you just did. I really tried to believe. Everyone told me it’s your parents. I can’t believe you anymore. Is the Easter bunny real? How ’bout the Tooth Fairy, huh? You just ruined a 10 year old’s life. THANKS.’

We were more impressed with her sign off “#middlefingeremoji” and the accompanying artwork.

Talking about the experience, Adams said:

“We had to move to the bathroom to have a good laugh before we talked to her about the notes.

“Within minutes of the note Belle was just fine! We spoke to her about the magic of Santa and how he lives in her heart. She now knows that it’s her duty to be part of Santa’s team and to help others believe and spread the magic of Christmas.”

Somebody needs to get that child a book deal.