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09th Apr 2024

Love bombing recognised as a form of abuse but what is it?

Kat O'Connor

Love bombing is a real red flag

Women in England are celebrating news that love bombing has officially been recognised as a sign of abuse.

Love bombing may seem like an endearing term but once you read into it you know that is not true.

But what exactly is it?

According to, love bombing is a form of emotional abuse where a person, whether that’s a friend or partner, uses ‘grand gestures’ to manipulate a person.

The concerning behaviour has officially been recognised as a form of abuse by The Crown Prosecution Service. It is now recognised as controlling and coercive behaviour.

Speaking about the change, CEO of Suzy Lamplugh Trust Suky Bhaker said:

“Stalking is a high-risk crime, underpinned by a fixation and obsession which is relentless in its nature and often encompasses all aspects of victims’ lives posing a serious risk to their wellbeing and safety. 

“It is therefore critical that stalking behaviours are correctly identified by criminal justice professionals in order to appropriately manage perpetrators and mitigate risks to victims.

“We look forward to working with the CPS to ensure victims of stalking are protected and can achieve the justice they deserve.”

This is a form of gaslighting

The abuse tactic is becoming more and more common, despite the term being around since the 1970s.

Being aware of the signs of ‘love bombing’ is something many people are forced to do in today’s society.

This manipulative behaviour can make people feel trapped, hopeless and even isolated.

Your partner or friend will overwhelm you with praise, affection and love, but it is never done out of kindness. It’s a way for them to gain control and then to manipulate you.

Their grand gestures may seem loving when you’re on the outside looking in, but when you look beyond it you’ll see someone is clearly being emotionally abused.

Love bombing is often done to gain control within a relationship, whether that’s romantic or platonic. The person will use manipulation to gain control and make their partner/friend feel guilty if their behaviour is ever questioned.

The signs of love bombing

The signs of love bombing will vary from case to case. However, the main one is over-the-top declarations of love that make you uncomfortable.

Other signs include rushing into a relationship, calling and texting way too much, and ignoring your boundaries.

At first, they may just seem like signs of a healthy, loving relationship but the victim of love bombing will feel overwhelmed and unnerved.

Love bombing is a form of gaslighting and it’s a relief to see it is finally being taken seriously.

Victims of love bombing have been encouraged to seek help, whether that is from a loved one or a charity like Women’s Aid.

For free and confidential domestic abuse support and information: Contact the 24hr National Freephone Helpline 1800 341 900.

