Every week in the Her.ie offices we are inundated with requests from people asking us to help them promote their charity events. While every cause is worthwhile, unfortunately we can’t get around to all of them and so for that reason, we have decided to put together some of these events from around the country. Every week, we will feature five events you should get behind or get involved with over the next few months. There are tonnes of amazing organisations in this country, let’s help them out.
Give It Up for Crumlin
Johnny Sexton and Rachel Wyse have teamed up with CMRF Crumlin – the principal fundraising body for Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin and the National Children’s Research Centre – to launch the inaugural ‘Give It Up For Crumlin’ fundraising campaign.
The team want the public to help fundraise for the hospital by ‘giving something up’ for the next 40 days, and use some of the money saved from ditching your daily coffee to donate to the children’s hospital. For more information, or to get involved, log onto www.giveitup.ie to register interest and pledge a donation.
Sponsored Silence For Motor Neurone Disease
Between 80-95% of people with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) will experience some form of speech loss before they die. Sharon Friel is 40 years old, she has MND and is asking people to take on sponsored silences to help raise awareness of this fact. Since her diagnosis, sadly Sharon can no longer walk or speak and communicates mainly with the use of a communication aid. She can no longer speak to her husband Conall or her six-year old boy Senan.
This February The Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association is asking you to take on a sponsored silence to experience what it would be like to not be able to communicate. Stay silent for 30 minutes at work, school or even at home alone. During this time of reflection think ‘if today were the last day you could use your voice, what would you say?’ The IMNDA are asking people to share your last words with them on Facebook and twitter (@IMNDA) by using #Voice4MND. You can text MND to 50300 to donate €2 (100% of text goes to IMNDA across most network providers)
Indulge In A Fashion Feast For Arc Cancer Support
Ireland’s biggest fashion show is back, with a host of 27 exciting names from the world of Irish fashion. Taking place on 9th March at the RDS in Dublin, The ARC Fashion Show will showcase a mix of the best-established names alongside the finest innovative newcomers. All funds raised go to ARC Cancer Support Centres which offers a range of free support to those affected by cancer.
To snap up tickets for this fashion fest, log onto the arc website here, or call 01 8307333.You can also donate €4 today, by texting ARC to 50300.
Walk This Way For Ability West
The annual 5 mile Menlo walk in aid of Ability West will take place on Sunday 8th February in Galway City.
Ability West provides services and supports to over 520 children and adults with an intellectual disability, in 55 locations throughout Galway City and County. Services include day, residential, respite, rehabilitative training, supported employment and community support. It is only through the continued support and generosity of the public that we can continue to deliver a high quality service well into the future.
The walk will kick off from 12 noon from Scoil Bhride Menlo. A walking fee of €10 per person or €25 per family will apply, with all proceeds going towards supporting the various services provided by Ability West to children and adults. For more information phone Ray on 087-7694153 or Brega on 087-6179886
Support One Of These 26 Miles For 26 Heroes
The 26 Miles for 26 Heroes campaign will see 26 charities running 26 miles in the Barrington’ s Hospital Great Limerick Run on May 3.
Supporting a variety of worthwhile causes in Limerick, each mile will be dedicated to a charity, or a person who has inspired others.
To find a list of the 26 charities taking part in this marathon event, or for more information on how you can help fundraise for this campaign, log onto Facebook here or check out the team on Twitter @26Miles26Heroes