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30th Jun 2012

Knowing When it is Time to Walk Away

How do you know when it's time to walk away from a bad relationship? Here are a few of the blatant red flags that you just shouldn't ignore...


When it comes to relationships, we like to think that we know what’s best for ourselves. And in most cases, thankfully, we do.

We understand what it is that we want or need from a partnership and if we’re not getting any of those essential things, we have the cop on to end the relationship, move forward with our lives and find someone else who can give them to us.

Of course we do. Unfortunately though, sometimes it isn’t that simple. Sometimes it can be tricky. Very tricky.

Sometimes we stay in relationships that we know are bad for us. Why? Well maybe we lack the courage to leave the other person. Maybe we simply love them, despite the fact that they treat us in such an awful way.

Love is amazing, but it can also be dangerous. The feeling of being in love is so addictive that it can make us stay in relationships when every fibre of our being is telling us to get the hell out of there.

Thankfully, there are a handful of blatant red flags that even the most visually-challenged of us can’t ignore. How do you know when it’s time to walk away? If any of the following resonates with you, it’s time you moved on to better things.

You Know it’s Time to Leave When…

You’re Unhappy: Our feelings are the biggest barometer when it comes to assessing situations. If something feels good, or makes you happy, then chances are it’s a good situation. If it makes you feel bad, upset or miserable then it’s not doing you any good. Unhappiness is one of those warning signs that you just can’t ignore.

Relationships are supposed to make you feel like a brighter, happier version of yourself. If your relationship is making you feel like a depressive mess, you have to question if it’s really worth it. Life is nothing without happiness – why would you want to cling to something that makes you miserable?

Your Partner is Abusive: If he’s physically abusing you, calling you names, threatening you or making you feel like you’re stupid, then it is time get rid of him. When we care about someone, we try to keep them safe. We definitely don’t hurt them in any way. Leave and never look back. You’re worth so much more.

He Doesn’t Make Time for You: If he’s your boyfriend he should keep his dates with you. If he continually cancels on you or comes up with lame excuses as to why he can’t meet you, dump his ass. You deserve someone who will always show up for you. You deserve someone who wants to be there for you.

You Don’t Recognise Yourself Anymore: When you started going out with him you were confident, bubbly and ambitious. Now? Now you’re insecure, quiet and miserable. The right relationship should emphasise your best qualities, not turn you into a shell of a human being. Find someone who encourages you to shine.

Your Intuition Keeps Telling You Something is Wrong: Women’s intuition is a powerful thing and ladies? It is always right. Always. If your inner voice is telling you that something is up, you’d do well to heed its warnings.

When we think about being in a relationship, too often we assume that it’s all about caring for the other person at the expense of looking after ourselves. Women, excuse the language, but this is absolute bullsh*t. Honestly.

You shouldn’t have to sacrifice yourself for the sake of a relationship. You should be the most important person in your own life and the right person will complement this attitude.

Relationships are meant to be fun, relaxed and easy. If it’s causing you stress or any kind of strain then maybe it’s time to consider that there is something better out there for you. Love yourself enough to remove yourself from a bad relationship – there is nothing worse than staying with someone who doesn’t treat you right.