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18th May 2015

Irish Broadcaster Shares Personal Account Calling For A “Yes” Vote This Week

"It’s tough enough to find the love of your life for anyone, but to know that if you do find them you can't marry them is crushing".

Cathy Donohue

There has been much debate over this week’s marriage referendum with both the Yes and No sides competing for more votes.

The personal accounts that people have shared capture exactly what the referendum is about and they have explained how the result will have a direct impact on their lives.

Sean Munsanje, who hosts The Juice on FM104, posted the below account on his Facebook page yesterday and believe us when we say it is well worth a read.


I, like a lot of gay people, feel a responsibility to tell my story as to why I am asking everyone I know to Vote YES in…

Posted by Sean Munsanje on Monday, May 18, 2015