Ever wondered where all the good men are gone? Or where are all the gods? So have we.
It’s that time of the week again, ladies…
This week’s #HerHeroOfTheWeek goes to one selfie-loving Dad.
Laura Ní Croidheagáin got in touch with us to nominate her father who has just managed to get the hang of his new iPhone.
When Laura and her sister embarked in a summer adventure they decided to buy their Dad a new phone to ensure he stayed up-to-date with their travels.
As the pair ventured through South America taking photographs of the beautiful cities and landmarks, they received one heroic text message from Dad, that tops our poll as the greatest Dad text of all time accompanied with an image that is an screensaver cert.
“My sister and I were travelling to South America over the summer, so got our dad an iPhone to make it easy to stay in touch….. We received this!”
Proof that practice really does make perfect.
We’ve heard of pub selfies, club seflies, bus selfies, but “comfortable selfies” are our favourite.
Do you know a HERO?
Ladies, every week we will select one complete gentleman to be Her Hero, not without your help of course…
How can you help? Send an image of someone you think is an absolute hero, and if we agree, your entry will get a very deserving and coveted place.
He doesn’t have to be fast, he doesn’t necessarily have to be brave, or have ever been involved in a fight in his life… but it may help.
The picture can be anything, a nice gesture from your boyfriend (providing you have one), a text from your Dad or friend, or even someone lovely you happen to meet on the street. Surprise us!
Send your potential Her Heroes to [email protected] or use the #HerHeroOfTheWeek on Twitter.