It was the word of the week.
‘Covfefe’ trended around the world this week after US president Donald Trump shared this tweet:
Whether he fell asleep mid-tweet or just fancied a bit of attention, the internet jumped on it, perhaps no-one more so than this blogger from Singapore.
Xiaxue, whose real name is Wendy Cheng, jumped on the bandwagon when she tweeted a photo of her new ‘covfefe’ tattoo.
People had plenty to say about it.
— easy d-sum (@evildimsum) June 1, 2017
Nice life decision you got there
— Blunder (@VforVendettish) June 2, 2017
You have made a huge mistake
— Mark (@nopedunno) May 31, 2017
But it turned out Xiaxue had had us all on – she revealed to the Associated Press that she had ‘inked’ herself with eyeliner, according to the Examiner.
“I think the word itself is really cute and there was a lot of hype over it so I thought I’ll draw it to get a reaction,” she said.
“The reactions have ranged from people liking it to people telling me I’m super stupid.
“Meanwhile I’m just sitting here and enjoying the reactions.”
Whatever turns you on, gal.