The first full moon of 2024 is on its way
Mercury retrograde ended as soon as January 1st hit, Aquarius season is well underway and the vibrations are high.
This month’s lunation is called the Wolf Moon, nicknamed after the howling canines that are known to be active this time of year.
Coming our way on the 25th, here’s what this full moon means for your star sign.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)

This moon will illuminate your current passions, romances, and hobbies so follow your heart wherever it takes you.
On this day, you may also feel compelled to make any feeling you’ve been harbouring for a crush clear now.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
This event will remind you of how important it is to feel comfortable and confident.
It could be the perfect time to prioritise that home decorating you’ve been putting off, do a deep clean, just that thing that will help improve your space.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
It’s the perfect time to share those ideas you’ve kept under wraps with the world.
You’ll be compelled to use your voice in a way that others will definitely notice. It does have to be something big, or maybe it’ll be huge, either way, put it out into the universe.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You may find yourself more prone to splurging, so keep a close eye on your spending, there’s still a way to until the end of the month.
Allow yourself to indulge, but remember that self-care can be the small things.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
It’s your time to step into the spotlight as this full moon will have you feeling charged up and ready to take the next steps in life.
It could be something you’ve wanted to pursue, something you wanted to say, whatever it is just go for it!
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
You’ve been working hard for so long, it’s them to take a second to yourself.
Run a bath and light some candles, it’s your time to take a breath, relax and take in just how much you’ve managed to achieve.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
This full moon will bring you and your friends closer than ever.
You’ll notice just how many people love you for who you are no questions asked giving you a new sense of comfort.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Our hard work will be recognised as you step into a new professional role.
Though you don’t mind working away quietly in the background get ready for some new attention as the spotlight shines on you.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Your quest for deeper understanding and wisdom will take a new turn.
Conversations will be had that change your perspective on things so keep both your ears and heart open.
Capricorn (December 22- January 19)
It’s time to reflect on your relationships in life and see where you want to go from here.
Are you getting back what you give or are you doing all the heavy lifting? Remember you don’t always have to be the problem solver.
Aquarius (January 10 – Feburary 18)

This moon will either bring you closer in your relationships or further away than ever.
Your love life may grow strong but make sure you don’t get swept up in romance and neglect the people that have been there for you all along.
Pisces (Feburar 19 – March 20)
You may be fully booked on your calendar this full moon, Pisces!
Use your high energy at this time to analyse your needs both personally and professionally. Don’t forget, it’s okay to take a step back when you need to.
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