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13th May 2019

Period sex could actually have a seriously handy benefit, according to a gynaecologist

Aside from the obvious.

Anna O'Rourke

That’s us convinced, so.

Let’s be real, your period is a balls.

Bloating, mood swings, unpleasant stains, physical pain – and all for what, a monthly assurance that you’re not pregnant and the *possibility* that you might be able to bear a child in the future?

Doesn’t seem fair.

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But what’s a gal to do? Well, we’re glad you asked.

If your, eh, physical needs seem particularly great during your time of the month, the good news is that you may have a very good excuse to try and fulfil them.

In short, period sex might help you end your period more quickly.

Period sex could actually have a seriously handy benefit

Having an orgasm could be the key.

“Although no studies have been done on this, it’s likely that menstrual blood in the uterus is squeezed out during orgasm,” gynaecologist Dee Fenner from the University of Michigan told Metro.

Climaxing could potentially getting rid of blood more quickly and hurry your period along, she explained.

This sounds good but period sex is a contentious one for many couples.

If you don’t have a willing partner you might just have to take matters into your own hands to finish up your period early yourself and get on with your life.
