FOOD glorious FOOD.
Earlier this morning we heard of the foods most likely to give you food poisoning which included some surprising items like pre-cut fruit and vegetables among other things.
As the winter gets colder and colder, it’s easy to let yourself go and give in to comfort foods to warm yourself up after a long day of work or study.
This cold weather has us wishing for those lazy, hazy Summer days where we could have a salad and be filled for the day as we’d be too busy soaking up the rays or out and about for the day.
If you’re hoping to perk yourself up and give yourself a natural boost from your food, you may want to read on as a new study has shown that one particular colour of food is proven to make you happier.
According to a study by The Happy Egg Company, as humans we naturally gravitate to lighter colours as we associate brightness with feelings of joy and happiness.
The most prominent colour food to make you feel happier has been found to be yellow, which apparently helps releases hormones from our body and thus makes us feel better.
According to the study, 70% associate yellow-coloured food with feeling joyful.
The top five foods that made people the happiest were revealed to be
- An Omelette – 61 percent
- Macaroni Cheese 56 percent
- Pancakes 54 percent
- A poached egg 53 percent
- Lemon Cake 52 percent
After yellow foods, foods with the colour red were found to be the second favourite, followed by brown foods.
Psychologists have suggested that we react positively to the colour yellow from a very early age, perhaps because of the brightly-coloured toys and the idea of sunshine we’re introduced to when we were younger.
Dr. David Lewis, a neuropsychologist weighed in on the study
“There is lots of research to show how colour can affect our emotions, but we were surprised to discover that so many yellow food groups evoked such strong positive feelings as well as stimulating taste buds.”
Does the colour of a food affect your choice in eating it?
While yellow foods may be the best choice for you to eat if you’re feeling a bit under the weather, we’re not sure it justifies chips every day…