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11th Mar 2014

Keep Heart Disease at Arm’s Length – Double Up on Your Routine Check-Up

This simple test could be an early warning sign...


Next time you’re down the doctor’s for your routine check-up, ask them to check the blood pressure readings on both arms. Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital have discovered checking blood pressure in both arms can indicate early signs of stroke or heart disease.

The research studies posted on the latest Harvard Health Blog show how a difference of 10 points between the two arms can be an early tell-tale sign of heart disease later in life.

Following 3,400 participants with no signs of heart disease for 13 years, the study found people with arm-to-arm differences of 10 points or more were 38% more likely to have had a heart attack, stroke, or a heart related problem than those with arm-to arm differences less than 10 points. The average difference is 5 points between two arms.

So how can you beat blood pressure? Increase your heart’s health with these top tips:

  • Stub out the cigarettes – Tobacco smoke is as dangerous to your heart as it is for the lungs. Quit smoking for an instant health boost to your body
  • Get out and about – We all know that doctors recommend 30 minutes of exercise today. Yes, that sounds manageable when it’s lunchtime and you haven’t sat on a bus all evening in rush hour traffic. Jump off the bus one stop early to kick start your heart after a long day at the desk
  • Weighty issue – Carrying extra pounds around the belly can strain your heart and can be a warning sign for diabetes. Make a conscious effort to lose the extra pounds for overall improved wellbeing
  • Munch your medicine – Fruits, vegetables and staple foods all play a part in a healthy diet. Keep your food choices balanced with whole grains and protein and keep processed foods which are high in fat and salt to a minimum for ultimate health benefits
  • Topple the tipple – and limit your alcohol intake. (Yes, we know that sounds easier than it is)
  • Relax your shoulders, arms, legs… and reduce stress where you can to decrease the threat to your heart