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15th Mar 2015

It Started With A Dress: My Golden Week

Forget the scales. It's all about the dress.


In a new weekly feature, newbie Liz is going to share her weight loss journey. She’ll be filling you in on fighting temptation, her willpower struggles with the cocktail menu and taking painfully slow steps towards regular exercise. All in the name of a dress.


Hanging on the wall at the end of my bed is the constant reminder I plan on shedding nearly two stone this year. I also plan on marking the trials and tribulations of ‘trying to be good’ – the favourite saying we all tout, and quickly replace when a cake is put in front of us.

Week 44: My Golden Week

I love this time of year. Where you can actually feel the end of winter and you’re starting to think of the summer ahead.

The freezing chills of winter tend to be a huge deterrent when it comes to exercising… and sometimes eating right.

Yes, soup can be a hug in a mug, but so can sausage sandwiches, buttery potatoes and melted cheese on anything. It can almost feel like its own food group, alongside Nutella and packets of Malteasers.

So when the weather starts to pick up, my good intentions kick in a notch.

Yes, I’m joking, but I did have a new lease of self-confidence.

Fresh off feeling slinky in a pair of skinny jeans, I decided to kick myself into shape and try some new meals.

I want to stress I’m no Jamie Oliver, but I love to try new styles of cooking, new tastes and if it’s diet friendly it makes it all the better.

But first off was a declutter of the presses.

I’m one of those good intentions shoppers.

I buy all the tins of beans, kidney beans, fruit in natural juices, packets of brown rice, brown pasta, quinoa (although it took me a lot longer to know what to do with that), and then I pop them away.

Always with the promise of using them tomorrow.

But in the spirit of ‘being good’ and with a week to pay day, I decided I had to go through my cupboards and work out what meals I could make with food I had already bought.

Cue a week of fruit salad breakfasts, tuna pasta bake, three bean bake, as well as stir-fries and a noodle bean dish that we probably shouldn’t talk about.

I also took a leaf out of the paleo book of eating and decided to change my meals up a little. Who said breakfast had to be eggs or cereal?

This week for breakfast I had salmon, sea-bass and a fish that I couldn’t read the label of because my milk spilt over the writing, taking away the ink.

What I can tell you is that it was smoked, and each day I went to work feeling full and not tempted to snack in the slightest.

I also went for a walk around Glendalough, a jiggle (I won’t call it a run just yet), and two dance rehearsals.

I figured I was set up for a loss.

Then along came my period. Which took the wind out of my sails and ramped up the exhaustion factor.

My driving force turned into a gentle crawl and I gave myself a night off on the couch. Watching Netflix and cuddled up in a blanket. There may have been a glass or two of wine along the way as well.

So when it came to stepping onto the weigh pad, I convinced myself it wasn’t going to end well.

How could it? I hadn’t exercised in a few days and I’d spent all my extra points before my wine night.

Sucking in a deep breath (‘cause in my head that was totally going to make the difference) I waited for the little loading bar to dance across the screen…

And I was down. 2.5lbs.

I was over the moon too, because I convinced myself I mustn’t have shifted anything this week.

Three weeks of weight loss, and I’m feeling pretty positive.

Now just to survive Paddy’s weekend without a gain….

Wish me luck.

Height: 5ft 8
Starting Weight: 174 lbs
Current Weight: 161 lbs
Weight Loss To Date: 15.5 lb
Goal: 148 lbs
Feeling: Determined

The Dress In Question.. NOW FITS!