It’s undeniably a hugely popular procedure.
Yup, popularised by the likes of Kylie Jenner – who has admitted to having the procedure – lip fillers are becoming increasingly normal; not quite an everyday beauty treatment, but not far off either.
However, now one leading cosmetic surgeon has said that the side-effects can’t be ignored – side-effects which include going blind.
Specifically – it’s hyaluronic acid fillers that we should be worried about says Prof Mark Ashton, president of Australian Society Of Plastic Surgeons.
He told that “having fillers is not a trivial exercise.
“It carries significant complications. There’s been over 100 cases of blindness and that’s probably a conservative estimate.
He explained: “If you get inadvertent injection of filler in any part of the facial artery, that can travel along the artery all the way up to the corner of the eye and then that goes into the retina.
“The blindness is instantaneous and permanent and can be one or both eyes. No one has been able to successfully fix that blindness.”
Prof Ashton went on to say that further complications include noses turning black and falling off.
The solution? If you’re tempted by facial fillers – always go to a reputable clinic and try to source the most experienced doctor available.