Breakfast goals.
When you’re trying to grab an extra few minutes in bed, breakfast prep is the last thing on your mind but according to one expert, you should be planning the first meal of the day with precision.
Speaking to Women’s Health, dietician Krista Yoder Latortue said that including protein helps to prevent the hunger pangs that often occur mid-morning.
Eggs, eggs, eggs.
If only we had a personal chef…
Speaking about why getting some protein into you first thing is key, the health professional said:
“If you just have carbs at breakfast, your metabolism is off for the whole day.
“How hungry you feel is based off two factors: how much you eat and what you eat. If you don’t eat protein at breakfast, you’re going into lunch feeling ravenous”.
She also explained that if you don’t start the day off with some protein, it can be difficult to make sure you’ve consumed a sufficient daily intake over the course of the day.
If the thought of eating meat in the morning turns your stomach, worry not.
You could try salmon or other types of daily fish and if that’s really not your bag, simply try eggs with “some cheese and fruit on the side”.
It means setting the alarm a little earlier but if it stops your stomach rumbling by 11, it’s worth a go.