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30th Aug 2012

Some Easy Ways To Spice Up Your Child’s Lunch This September

Our tips will make your child’s lunch more interesting and coax them into eating every bite!


Every parent has found an untouched sandwich in their child’s lunch box after a long day at school and it can be worrying to feel like they are not eating enough.

But just like adults, children become bored with food and if they aren’t great eaters in the first place it is important to draw their interest back to lunch.

We have some helpful and healthy ideas that can jazz up your child’s lunch box and hopefully get them to eat every bite.


Smoothies are a great way to make sure your child is getting fruit into their system and they are the perfect thing to pack for their morning snack. Because they are so tasty, children love them, especially ones that include strawberries. Purchase a good quality flask to keep the mixture cold throughout the morning. Smoothies can even be made the night before and are a great addition to any lunchbox.

Smoothies are a great addition to your child’s lunchbox

Jazz Up the Traditional Sandwich

Ham between two slices of bread can become very boring very quickly for children and it is easy to vary the fillings. A cream cheese sandwich with strawberries always makes for a tasty lunch or alternatively banana and peanut butter. Make sure you use brown bread, which will fill your child up for longer and burn their energy slower so that they can continue concentrating throughout the afternoon.

Try making a sandwich that includes banana and peanut butter 

Healthy Pasta

This lunch is a great alternative to a sandwich and perfect for a chilly autumn afternoon. The night before, fry a small onion in a pan, and dice up any vegetables you may have in the fridge such as peppers, carrots, courgettes and mushrooms. If you wish you may add dice bacon or chicken breast. Once the vegetables (and the meat if you have added it) have browned add a half a can of tinned tomatoes, one teaspoon of tomato puree and a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar. Cook for thirty minutes on a medium heat until the sauce cooks down. Add cooked whole-wheat pasta to the sauce before placing in a bowl. In the morning heat up the pasta, place into a flask and it will keep warm for your child until lunchtime.

Try New Flavours

Children are always reluctant to try new things at the beginning but it is important to widen your child’s horizon’s food wise. Tuna is a great lunchtime ingredient but children can be very picky. Spice up tuna with diced apples, cranberries or raisins and include in a tasty varied salad. Cut up the vegetables into bite sized pieces so your child will be inclined to eat more. Cherry tomatoes are great additions to any lunchtime salad as children usually enjoy the tasty sweet morsels. Carrot sticks and hummus are also a great way to spice up your child’s lunch.

Carrot sticks and hummus are a nice school snack to add to the lunch box

Make Lunch Burritos

Although burritos have the same qualities of a traditional sandwich, trying something new or having a different type of lunch than others in the class can intrigue children. Wraps can be tastier for children than bread but it is still important to buy whole-wheat. Add new ingredients such as ripe avocado, spiced chicken and sour cream to the wraps. If your child doesn’t like the new vegetables they can always take them out but at least they will have had a chance to try it.

Allow your child to pick out their favourite fruit and veg at the supermarket

Include your Children in the Shopping

It has been proven that allowing your child to play a part in shopping for fruit and vegetables will encourage them to eat the healthy options you provide them with. Allow your child to be part of the decision-making when choosing ingredients for a lunch salad or fruits to add into their lunch box. Include them in making their lunch as they will be more inclined to eat something that they put effort into. 

