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26th Apr 2013

NSFW: School Sparks Outrage With Graphic Sex Education Book Aimed At 5-Year-Olds

Outraged parents complained immediately when they saw the book.


A school has sparked outrage after it was revealed that children as young as five were given a sex-education book that featured graphic pictures. The book also gave advice on how to put on a condom and have an orgasm.

Spiegel Online reports that outraged parents complained when children at a school in Berlin were given a book called Where Do You Come From?

The book features graphic cartoon images of sex and follows the romance of a couple called Lisa and Lars.

The school, which is located in the Kreuzberg area of Berlin, did not respond to parents’ initial complaints about the inappropriate book. The issue was only tackled after the local press began covering the story and complaints were made to the Berlin Senate.

One of the graphic images found in the book

The book even gives directions on how to put on a condom

The book, which is aimed at children aged five and upwards  features explicit descriptions like: “When it’s so good that it can’t get any better, Lisa and Lars have an orgasm.”

The book graphically explains how to have an orgasm through intercourse

Speaking about the book, Politican Dorothee Baer from the Christian Social Union Party said: “Sex education should accompany the development of children, but not speed it up.”

The book is said to be still available at the school, however pupils are now unable to access it.

