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06th May 2019

Starbucks cup accidentally appears in pivotal Game of Thrones scene

Jade Hayden

Even Daenerys needs a soy triple shot vanilla matcha latte every now and again, guys.

Last night, the third last ever episode of Game of Thrones aired in the States.

In case you, like many of us over here in the UK and Ireland, have yet to see it, we won’t spoil any pivotal moments for you. That would be very unfair and also we haven’t watched it so how could we?

One thing we will spoil, however, is the illusion of Westeros. Or rather, the show has done that itself by accidentally leaving a genuine Starbucks cup in the shot during a pivotal scene.

Yes, really.

The blunder appeared towards the beginning of last night’s episode as most of the cast were enjoying a bit of a celebration following a successful Battle of Winterfell.

Daenerys, struggling to get involved in the festivities due to the loss of her good friend Ser Jorah (and the realisation that she may not sit on the Iron Throne after all), sat silently at the end of the table drinking it all in.

Or rather, drinking a Venti macchiato as per the Starbucks cup sat right in front of her.

What an icon.

Game of Thrones fan, of course, noticed the entirely out of place beverage and took it upon themselves to mention it many times online.

Sure what else would you be doing with your Monday?


Game of Thrones fans have only got another two episodes (three if you haven’t seen episode four yet) to go until the show finishes forever.

Emilia Clarke said last week that upcoming episode five (next week’s episode) is going to be even more shocking and intense than the Battle of Winterfell. 

We honestly can’t imagine how but yeah alright, fair.