Previously… on Love Island…
Season five is coming and it’s coming in fast. With just three weeks to go until Love Island is back on our TVs for the summer, it’s safe to say we’re on the lookout for clues, leaks and hints as to what the next season will bring.
And the ever-so-hilarious voiceover of the show, Iain Stirling, has a few tales to tell ahead of June 5. Speaking to Capital FM on Sunday, Iain revealed that when it comes to doing the voiceover for the show, ITV bosses ban him from being too cheeky with his commentary about the contestants.
“Some of them they let us do – and some they say: ‘You obviously can’t say that’, the star revealed.
But like all good con voiceover artists, Iain has his ways around getting cheeky jokes out – his Scottish accent.
“We get some Scottish phrases in. London TV execs are like: ‘Oh, what a quaint phrase.’ I’m like: ‘That doesn’t mean that.’”
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Iain writes his jokes alongside another Scottish writer named Mark and together, they come up with the cheeky one-liners that make the series great.
“I go in about 2pm, watch what is basically the final episode, then we just write some jokes” the 31-year-old revealed.
Talk about the dream.