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07th Feb 2020

On tonight’s episode of Love Island, Molly and Shaughna go on a day out to talk about Callum

Rebecca O'Keeffe

We’re sweating…

So last night was dramatic.

The lads came back from Casa Amor, and it was pretty upsetting for a few of the ladies.

Naturally, the biggest blow was the whole Callum and Shaughna debacle.

Picking up from the end of last night’s episode of Love Island host Laura Whitmore welcomes Callum and Molly into the Main Villa.

Laura says: “Callum, you can see in front of you, Shaughna decided to stay loyal to you.”

Callum replies: “Obviously it’s not nice coming back to this. It’s a bit intense. But at the end of the day, I’ve gone with what I thought was the right decision, I’ve gone with my heart.”

“I went to Casa Amor, I had a chance to speak to Molly, it brought out a side to me I didn’t think I had. The way I felt about her after 2/3 days just clarified it to be honest. Not to say anything against Shaughna, I wasn’t unhappy with her, it’s just that this has been a sign for me that something has been missing and I think I’ve found it with Molly.”

Laura asks: “Are you happy with your decision?”

love island

Callum replies: “Yes.”

Shaughna says: “I’m happy for Callum. I should have never trusted a scaffolder anyway.”

Asked by Laura if there’s anything she’d like to say, Shaughna replies: “Congrats, hun.”


Asked how she’s feeling, Molly says: “Obviously it’s horrendous to have to upset another person in the villa, so I do apologise about that.”


Later in the episode, Callum admits to the boys: “My happiness has come at the cost of making someone else upset.”

And then Shaughna receives a text inviting her and Molly to go for a chat to talk about the situation.

As the pair arrive, Molly confesses: “This is awkward, isn’t it…”

Will they clear the air? WE’RE GASPING TO SEE.