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23rd May 2018

‘By age 35’ is the most relatable Twitter thread about adult life and LOL like

Will we ever grow up? Hardly.

Denise Curtin

Will we ever truly become adults?

Hardly I’d say.

When I was 12, I thought 16-year-olds had their sh*t together, then I became 16, I thought 20-year-olds DEFO have their shit together and then I became 20 and thought OK… SURELY at 24-years-old I will have my shit together, but here I am still getting locked every weekend and scraping together €2 for six chicken nuggs #life.

So the latest gas thread to hit Twitter starts with “by age 35…” and explains the gas reality about how “Bridget Jones” we all really are.

Here are some of the best from this week…

Now that is the #truth.


35,Funny,Grow up,LOL