Will we ever truly become adults?
Hardly I’d say.
When I was 12, I thought 16-year-olds had their sh*t together, then I became 16, I thought 20-year-olds DEFO have their shit together and then I became 20 and thought OK… SURELY at 24-years-old I will have my shit together, but here I am still getting locked every weekend and scraping together €2 for six chicken nuggs #life.
So the latest gas thread to hit Twitter starts with “by age 35…” and explains the gas reality about how “Bridget Jones” we all really are.
Here are some of the best from this week…
By age 35, you should have figured out how to spell “bananas” without having to mentally sing Hollaback Girl
— Jon “Jon Baker” Baker (@JonBaker) May 20, 2018
By age 35 you should have reached that stage of time confusion where you’re convinced the 90s was only 10 years ago.
— Jen Williams (@sennydreadful) May 21, 2018
By age 35 you should run into friends and say “WE SHOULD HANG OUT SOON!” twice a week. You will never hang out. You’ll just scream this at each other until one of you dies.
— Luke Trayser (@trukelayser) May 20, 2018
by age 35 you should have a kitchen cabinet dedicated entirely to plastic bags that contain other, smaller plastic bags
— vytas (@peakysblinder) May 20, 2018
By age 35 you should have an entire cabinet filled with Tupperware containers. That don’t match. Just a bunch of random bottoms and tops that come cascading out on you every time you open the door.
— Danielle H (@FoodosaurusRex) May 22, 2018
By age 35, you should know that everybody is making it up as they go and nobody else has any fucking idea what they’re doing.
— SP Eaton (@speaton) May 21, 2018
By age 35 you should have your own bottle of tomato sauce and not just rely on the draw filled with tomato sauce packets from take out joints
— lindy (@Lindyyay) May 20, 2018
Listen. Meghan Markle wasn’t a duchess til age 36 so stop telling me what I should have by age 35.
— Jessica Ellis (@baddestmamajama) May 21, 2018
By age 35, you should give up on the dream that you’re ever going to learn to fold fitted sheets properly.
— Elizabeth Picciuto (@epicciuto) May 21, 2018
Now that is the #truth.