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10th May 2019

Jessie J doesn’t care that she’s got a considerable typo in her tattoo

Jade Hayden

“Yes I got it done in Essex.”

Jessie J has lashed out at the people who keep telling her that her tattoo has a typo.

The singer has had lyrics from her song, ‘Who You Are’ tattooed across her hip since she was 18, but says that she usually wears high waisted clothes to hide the grammatical error.

The text reads: “Don’t loose who you are in the glare of the stars,” rather than: “Don’t lose who you are in the glare of the stars.”

Jessie has said that she’s sick of people pointing out that her tattoo has a typo and that she is, in fact, aware of this.


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“Yes my tattoo says… ‘Don’t loose who you are in the blur of the stars,'” she began. “Yes they are MY lyrics from my song who you are. Yes that I wrote.”

“Yes I spelt the tattoo wrong. Yes I repeat it’s spelt wrong. Yes I got it done in Essex. Yes the tattoo artist didn’t mention it.

“Yes I was 18. Yes I still don’t know the difference between lose and loose. Yes It’s the reason I wear everything high waisted. And YES I know I have small boobs. Don’t waste your time telling me like I don’t see them everyday.

“Don’t @ me. K bye.”

Fair, Jessie. Very fair.

The ‘Price Tag’ singer then proceeded to share a few more photos of herself in the same bikini, incorrect tattoo and everything.

This comes just a week or so after Jessie forced Channing Tatum to post a nude photo of himself after he lost a bet.

“I lost a game of Jenga to Jessica Cornish,” he wrote. “The loser (me) had to post a picture the other person (Jessica Cornish) picked… Smh and fml… I’m never playing Jenga with her ever again…”

In response, Jessie commented “Sharing is caring.”

The pair have been dating for the past few months.