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13th Jan 2019

Emily Atack is a girl after our own hearts as she reveals the first thing she ate after leaving the jungle

Amy Nolan

Emily Atack is a girl after our own hearts as she reveals the first thing she ate after leaving the jungle

The 29-year-old is a bit of a cheese fiend.

Is there anything better in this earthly world than a cheeseboard? Yes. Wine with a cheeseboard.

I’m a Celeb runner-up Emily Atack won our hearts in the jungle with her sense of humour and the fact that she is so down to earth and now, we definitely know we could be BFFs with her because she has the best taste in food.

As we all know from watching the show, food rations were limited in the jungle and the first thing contestants do when they get out is to have a decent meal and satisfy their cravings at long last.

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While some opt for a fry-up and others go for cake or sweet treats, Emily was straight in for the cheeseboard and girl, we support you.

Speaking on Channel 4’s Sunday Brunch today Emily said:

“I’ve always absolutely adored food, and I love it even more now. I appreciate it more.”

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She then continued to tell hosts, Simon Rimmer and Tim Lovejoy, that a cheeseboard awaited her arrival back in the illustrious Versace hotel and laughed:

“I just ate blocks of cheese for literally about an hour.”

Emily found hunger the most challenging aspect of the jungle experience and said that although the challenges were gruelling, she welcomed them because they were an opportunity to win food.