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26th Jun 2014

Ah, Lads! 10 Irish Men We Wish We Could Be Best Friends With


We give them a shocking hard time but there’s a lot to be said for the Irish male. A LOT.

Now we’re not going to start confessing our undying love for the entire Irish male population, but if we’re honest, they’re a shocking hard bunch to beat when it comes to craic, humour, talent and… looks.

To show our love we thought we’d put together a list of men from the emerald isle that we really wish we could call our best friends.

We’d just like to be clear that this list was put together in no particular order… we love them all equally.

1. Domhnall Gleeson

Because he’s the boy next door, who just happens to be an incredible actor AND can play the fiddle, (no, that was not sexual innuendo, he can actually play the fiddle). Oh, and he’s going to be in Star Wars… plus, his father is BRENDAN GLEESON.

2. Colin Farrell

Any man that starts out his career as a line dancer before becoming one of Hollywood’s leading men and most fawned over heartthrobs deserves our friendship. We can also confirm that his tea making skills are on par, our resident movie buff, Sue Murphy, got to sample the goods before an interview… Gent.

3. Liam Neeson

GOOD LUCK trying to find a better man than Liam Neeson. The Ballymena native would be a dab hand to have around if you were to ever find yourself in a spot of bother. Plus, it’s always advantageous to have a friend that knows how to get out of a sticky situation; we could’ve been doing with his friendship a long time ago.

4. David O’Doherty

DOD is right up there on our list of men we want to be friends with. ‘But why?’, we hear you ask. The answer is simple, not only is he the greatest comedian in the country but he also knows so much about life, life, lifey, life… and we couldn’t imagine ours without him in it.

5. Brian O’Driscoll

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We’re sorry Brian, we think you’re a great man but if we’re completely honest it is your wife Amy that we actually want to be BFFs with, we’re using you to get to her.

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She’s a legend.


6. Michael Fassbender

Any man that was nicknamed ‘the shark’ by close friends and looks like Michael Fassbender, is welcome to be in our gang. Something to do with his smile.

Not only is Michael a talented force to reckoned with, you just know he’d go to great lengths for his mates… After all he did swim across the ocean for a pint of the black stuff.

7. Roy Keane

Love him or loathe him, Roy Keane isn’t a man to be messed with and isn’t exactly known for mincing his words.

We all need one friend that we can rely on to tell us the brutal honest truth, Keano would definitely fit that bill nicely… We’ll just be sure to avoid any unnecessary eye contact.

8. Marty Morrissey

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After his antics on TV3’s Late Lunch yesterday, Marty secured his position on our list. Not only is he a great GAA pundit, an excellent Elvis impersonator and all-round gent, Marty also loves a bit of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’… Winning!

We also wouldn’t mind knowing the secret behind his constant glow and dazzling white smile.

9. Shane Mac Gowan

We couldn’t possibly finish this list without including The Pogues frontman… Finally someone who will actually know all the words to ‘Fairytale of New York’ and ‘Rainy Night in Soho’. Lock-in and sing-song anyone?

10. Brendan Gleeson.

Because he’s Brendan Gleeson… Just look at his wee face. LOOK AT IT.

If you disagree with any of our choices feel free to leave your suggestions below.