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30th Jun 2012

Why it’s Time to Get Your Scrub On

Fancy smooth skin, improved circulation and a lack of cellulite? Ladies, here's why you should get your scrub on!


The good weather is finally here and we all know what that means, don’t we ladies? Yes, you’re right. It’s time to strip off the layers and get some sun. The horror.

Yes, yes. We know that the thoughts of blinding people with your deathly pale skin doesn’t sound overly appealing. And we realise that your body has been hidden away all winter and spring.

If you’re anything like us, chances are there’s a lot of dry, cracked skin that needs to be dealt with pronto because, let’s face it, dragon scales just aren’t a good look for any woman.

When it comes to getting your skin summer-ready there’s only two things that every woman needs in her bathroom – a decent body moisturizer and a body brush.

Once you’re in possession of these two items, you’re already halfway there when it comes to getting soft, supple skin that won’t mortify you if it just so happens to be glimpsed in public.

Now, brushes at the ready girls! Here we attempt to answer the most common questions associated with this ancient art…

Right, so where does body brushing come from?

Body brushing is a traditional practice that has been used by the Scandinavians and the Russians for centuries. It was made popular over thirty years ago when Paavo Airola, a Finnish doctor, began prescribing the technique to his patients.

But wait! Won’t body brushing hurt? Isn’t it painful?

The answer is a resounding ‘no!’ Body brushing is a little bit scratchy and slightly uncomfortable, but after a few days, your skin gets used to the feeling and it’s grand (trust us, we wouldn’t do it if it hurt!).

Fair enough. Why should I start body brushing?

There are a number of reasons as to why you should bust out your brush and get scrubbing. First and foremost, it will slough off all that scaly dead skin. Body brushing is like the ultimate exfoliation. It’s amazing. Not only will it get your skin nice and smooth, it will also help your body to naturally detox and purify itself.

Other benefits of getting your scrub on? It improves circulation, it gives your internal organs a bit of a ‘massage’ so your body is better able to get rid of toxins. It improves the function of the nervous system, it increases lymphatic flow and it can minimize the appearance of cellulite.

It can sort my cellulite? Are you serious?

While it may not make it disappear completely, with continued practice body brushing can actually help to break down the fat stores that cause cellulite. If you brush religiously on a daily basis, it won’t be long before you see some major improvements.

I’m sold. Right, how do I actually use a body brush?

The entire process of body brushing is actually pretty simple. Every morning, before you get into the shower, spend at least five minutes brushing your skin. Start at the bottom of your body and work your way up, making sure you always brush towards the heart.

To make your skin super-soft, brush in circular motions as you move upwards. Pay special attention to your knees and elbows – there’s usually loads of dry skin in these areas.

Once you’ve finished brushing, step into the shower and wash as usual. When you’re finished and all dried off, slather on some moisturising body lotion. That’s it. You’re done!

How often should I scrub?

If you want to see a dramatic improvement in your skin, it’s best to body brush every single day. It may seem like a lot of work, but stick with it for at least a week. Eventually it’ll just become part of your morning routine.

When am I likely to start seeing results?

If you brush religiously for a week, your skin should start to feel super soft. Brush for two weeks and dry skin will be a thing of the past. Brush every day for two months and your cellulite should improve majorly.

Body brushing is a really good habit to develop, believe us. You get smooth skin that glows AND a mini detox. The best thing about the daily scrub? You can still enjoy that cheeky glass of wine on a Thursday without undoing any of your hard work. Score!
