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17th May 2024

Woman’s brain tumour vanishes in just 5 days in astonishing breakthrough

Ryan Price

The ‘revolutionary’ new treatment is being praised by researchers.

An incredible breakthrough has occurred in the world of cancer treatment after a woman’s brain tumour almost completely disappeared after five days.

The 57-year-old woman suffered from a particularly fast growing type of brain tumour called glioblastoma, and was one of three patients selected to undergo a new form of treatment called CAR-T therapy at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

Glioblastoma affects about 3,200 Brits every year. Famously, Tom Parker from boyband The Wanted died from one in March 2022.

Symptoms depend on where the tumour is located, but they can include headaches, sudden personality changes, memory problems, trouble speaking or understanding and tiredness.

CAR-T is a type of cancer immunotherapy treatment that uses immune cells called T cells that are genetically altered in a lab to enable them in locating in destroying cancer cells more effectively.

According to the report published in the New England Journal of Medicine, of the three patients chosen for the treatment, one saw their tumour decrease in size by 18.5% two days after the treatment, and by day 69, the tumour had decreased by 60.7%, while another saw their ‘tumour regress rapidly’.

New England Journal of Medicine

Dr Elizabeth Gerstner, of Massachusetts General Hospital, said: “We report a dramatic and rapid response in these three patients. 

“Our work to date shows signs that we are making progress, but there is more to do.”

Studies like this one ‘show the promise of cell therapy for treating incurable conditions’.

Along with the 57-year-old woman’s incredible turnaround, a 72-year-old man’s tumour shrank by more than 18 per cent after just two days.

By day 69, the tumour had decreased by 60.7 per cent, and the response was sustained for over six months.

Dr Marcela Maus, also of Massachusetts General Hospital, said: “These results are exciting, but they are also just the beginning — they tell us that we are on the right track in pursuing a therapy that has the potential to change the outlook for this intractable disease.

“We haven’t cured patients yet, but that is our audacious goal.”

A similar breakthrough occurred in Australia this month as a pathologist by the name of Richard Scolyer underwent a world-first treatment for glioblastoma which was based on his own ground-breaking research on melanoma.

He remains cancer-free a year after using the treatment which was based on his own research.

In a post on X, he wrote: “I had brain #MRI scan last Thursday looking for recurrent #glioblastoma (&/or treatment complications).

“I found out yesterday that there is still no sign of recurrence. I couldn’t be happier!!!!! Thank you to the fabulous team looking after me so well especially my wife Katie & wonderful family!”