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21st Nov 2017

Ryanair has an unbelievable sale on today as part of the Black Friday sales

You have to act fast.

Laura Holland

Ryanair has announced a huge one day sale as part of their overall Black Friday sale.

They have a week-long promotion with different sales happening each day. Today, you’ll be able to get yourself flights to different European cities for just €4.99. 

100,000 seats are now on sale from just €4.99 for travel in January, which must be booked by midnight tonight (Tuesday 21st, November).

Commenting on the sale, Ryanair’s Robin Kiely said:

“The temperature has dropped and so have our fares as we launch day 2 of our week-long ‘Black Friday’ seat sale. We have 7 days of amazing deals on the website, offering customers the lowest fares in Europe, with even bigger savings. 

Today we have 100,000 seats for sale from only €4.99 for travel in January, which are only available until midnight tonight. Customers should log on to to bag a bargain today – and look out for even more massive savings every day this week.

As part of our ‘Black Friday’ promotion, we’ll also run a 20% discount on all bags booked this week, ensuring even more savings for our customers.”

Customers are told to keep an eye on for daily offers.

