The remains of a male victim of the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York City have been identified.
He was identified using DNA testing, according to the City Medical Examiner.
The city’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner had been re-testing DNA recovered in 2001 using new, more sensitive testing, reports the BBC.
Few full bodies were found in the aftermath of the attack, making it difficult for authorities to identify victims.
The man’s identity is to remain anonymous in accordance with his family’s wishes.
He is the 1,641st person to be formally identified as a victim of the attack which took place almost 16 years ago and is the first new victim of the attacks to be identified since March 2015.
Many of those who died in the September 11 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Centre in 2001 have not been identified.
It’s thought that a total of 2,996 lost their lives that day in New York as well as at the Pentagon in Virginia and a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, while thousands more were injured.