The nation tuned into RTÉ Investigates – Creches, Behind Closed Doors last night.
The RTÉ Investigates team went undercover to look at standards of care in Hyde and Seek, a creche chain in Dublin.
The chain is owned and run by Anne and Peter Davy along with their daughter Siobhan. The company has four creches across Dublin City, catering for children from 3 months up to 12 years of age.
One of these creches, in Glasnevin, was not registered with TUSLA – the State body with responsibility for child protection – for a period of 14 months, RTÉ found. Hyde & Seek pleaded guilty to the non-registration at the Dublin District Court earlier this year.
Anne has been convicted on two different occasions, once in 2004 and again in 2007 for breach of regulations.
In a statement, the company said “that in recent months she has occasionally fallen below the standards of our behavioural management policy and has found herself being short, rather than simply direct.”
Anne Davy has now stepped down from the frontline of childcare provision.
As we all watched on as milk was diluted down, babies were put on their stomachs and fire safety regulations were breached, many were shocked and saddened by numerous elements of the show:
Why is #RTEInvestigates what it takes to expose child abuse … animal abuse etc? Surely that’s the job of other regulatory state bodies
— Ciara Kelly (@ciarakellydoc) July 24, 2019
Sending love and hugs to all the heartbroken parents watching #RTEInvestigates tonight. It’s tough. As if working parents don’t have enough guilt already ?
— Amanda Brunker (@AmandaJBrunker) July 24, 2019
Watching #RTÉInvestigates is giving me chills. Parents fork out huge money every month to put their children in creches and for what?? To be treated like this.
If I were the parent of any of the children featured in this expose, I’d be getting onto my solicitor
— Jeremy Dixon (@JeremyDixonDJ) July 24, 2019
This is horrific shame on the owners of Hyde and seek #RTÉInvestigates
— Rob Cullen (@robcullen79) July 24, 2019
#RTEInvestigates has done a real service tonight exposing the mistreatment of children in poor quality childcare: 17/18 babies per childcare worker, flagrant fire breaches, frightened babies held down to sleep. This is why we need regulation. We need to put children first.
— Tanya Ward (@Tanya_Ward) July 24, 2019
Dreadful, tough watching #RTEInvestigates. Parents breaking their backs to pay for this thinking they’re doing their best.
— Juliette Gash (@JulietteGash) July 24, 2019
We know not all crèches behave like this but those that do must be held to account & must be called out. Such behaviour is not acceptable. As heartbreaking as it is to watch, it’s important for @rteone to expose such shocking treatment of children. #RTEInvestigates
— Anne Rabbitte TD (@AnneRabbitte) July 24, 2019
As a creche worker this is fucking scandalous, the manager telling staff to blatantly LIE to parents?!! I’m sick to my stomach. #RTEInvestigates
— Susan Byrne (@sueowly) July 24, 2019
However, many people also took to Twitter to reassure parents that not all creches are run like Hyde and Seek, and they should not feel guilty for having to leave their children in childcare.
For every bad boss cutting corners there’s literally thousands of dedicated early years educators providing a quality & valuable public service day in, day out.
Sending solidarity to all childcare workers watching #RTEInvestigates tonight.
Thank you for the vital work you do
— Paddy Cole (@PaidiCole) July 24, 2019
My daughter’s creche has lovely staff, great practices, and Charlotte bounces in there every morning.
But I’m sure there are times too when not everything is done by the book in there.
You can’t know 100% but just know that it’s #notallcreches ?#RTEInvestigates
— Aoife Ryan (@aoifeweefa) July 24, 2019
If you are a mam and dad tonight….
Please don’t paint everyone with the same brush….
There’s so many amazing people out there that will care, hug, cry, smile, laugh, feel your baby
Believe… Don’t be sad youve work or whatever… They’ll be fine#RTEInvestigates
— CROSSY (@CrossyTweets) July 24, 2019
As a childcare worker, I can assure you, where I work and in my care, your children are loved and cared for, all of their different personalities are catered for ? and I work with many many amazing girls who are the same ? #RTEInvestigates
— Leanne O’Toole (@Leanne_OT_91) July 24, 2019