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12th Aug 2020

Meath creche with five postive COVID-19 cases has closed due to HSE advice

They will shut for a number of days to prevent further outbreak

Melissa Carton

A wise decision.

Earlier in the week it was confirmed that a creche in Meath had five cases of coronavirus.

Three of the positive tests for COVID-19 were children while the other two were staff members.

Despite the outbreak at the creche and the uncertainty as to whether anyone else may have been infected, the creche continued to keep several of its rooms open for use.

Now the creche, based in Navan, has closed under guidance from the HSE.

According to the Meath Chronicle An Daoine Oga Community Childcare Centre in Navan will shut their doors for several days to help stop further infection.

The creche plans to re-open next week August 18.

Meanwhile other parents whose children attending the facility are still anxiously awaiting test results.

The three children who tested positive for COVID-19 are said to be asymptomatic while the adults who have been positively diagnosed only have mild symptoms.