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14th Oct 2014

Is The Catholic Church Making A Dramatic U-Turn On Same Sex Marriages?

The document, which many are hailing as revolutionary, was published this morning.


All eyes were on the Vatican this morning after Bishops drafted up new language for the Church’s position on homosexuality, divorce and birth control – shaking up some core Catholic teachings.

In the document, which was published this morning, the Vatican stated that; “Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community” and asked if Catholicism could accept gays.

This is a massive change in tone and the document is being seen as a major breakthrough. It was created after a week-long assembly involving 200 bishops.

This latest news from the Vatican continues to show that Pope Francis seems to be trying to transform the public face of the Catholic Church in a document which many are today calling revolutionary.

The fact that the Vatican acknowledged same-sex partners and their love is a first, and they also acknowledged that children from these unions should not be punished.

However, there are a number of Catholic activists who believe that the document is a betrayal of the church’s values and morals.

