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04th May 2018

Aer Lingus has a brilliant Bank Holiday deal but you’ll have to be quick

Cathy Donohue

A brilliant Bank Holiday deal.

If you haven’t booked your summer holiday yet, then you might be very tempted by the offer that Aer Lingus has just launched.

For travel between 16 June and 31 October, the airline is offering €100 off all direct return flights to North America.

The only catch is you have to book before midnight on Monday, May 7 and of course, the offer is only available while seats last.

Miami, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, the options are endless and if you feel like you’re due a break stateside, you’d be wise to book as soon as possible to avail of this dreamy promotion.

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If you’ve flown with Aer Lingus before, you’ll know what the deal is with the transatlantic service including complimentary meals and soft drinks on board and of course, in-flight entertainment is provided with passengers having the choice of blockbuster movies of TV box sets.

So, if you’ve been holding off on booking your summer break or you were always planning to travel later in the year, this deal is well worth checking out.

In fact, we are very tempted ourselves…

Headed for the Frisco bay #AerLingus

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