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20th Feb 2014

UNICEF Wants You To Put Your Phone Away To Provide Clean Water in 100 Countries

Every minute away from your phone = a day of clean water.

Alanna Alexander

Every girl knows that she needs eight glasses of water a day for flawless skin and glossy hair, but for millions of children in some 100 countries this can be a very hard rule to live by.   

The good news is: you can help! And you don’t even need the time or the disposable income to do it. You can help by doing almost nothing.

As long as you have a smartphone, access to the Internet, and the ability to hold your self back from texting, tweeting, and Facebook chatting, you’re good.

UNICEF Tap Project’s campaign to try and improve access to clean water and sanitation and they’re asking you to put your phone down to help. So for every minute you’re out talking to actual humans, UNICEF’s sponsor will give a dollar away and a dollar means a day of clean water to someone else. Easy.

For the competitive women out there, the record time today is 58 hours, which really just means that someone has an extra phone (or no social life), but don’t be discouraged! Dublin City’s record time so far is only an hour. If you accidentally pick up or nudge your phone, there’s a 10-second window to make sure you can pick it up where it left off.

Visit: on your phone