It’s Christmaaaaaas.
Well, almost.
So what better way to celebrate the festive season than naming your child after something Christmassy?
You might as well, like. Regular names just don’t cut it these days.
Lucky for us then that parenting website Emma’s Diary have done a nice little round-up of the most popular festive baby names for 2017.
Surprisingly though, a good few of them are actually quite generic and probably wouldn’t automatically make you think of Santa and Rudolph and being broke for the entirety of December.
They are still pretty nice, though.
Here’s the list:
- Nicholas
- Noelle
- Kris
- Olwen
- Ivy
- Elsa
- Eva
- Joseph
- Donatello
- Matthew
So there you go – lot’s of festive baby names there to keep you busy naming babies and making more babies to be named Christmas-related things.
What are you waiting for?