The weather – it’s our go-to subject for small talk and our absolute obsession if there is an event coming up.
Let’s face it, with our unpredictable weather, picking tomorrow’s outfit without checking the forecast is a game of Russian Roulette.
This is probably why we have gone bananas for this genius invention in Her Towers.
It is a box that recreates tomorrow’s weather on your living room table.
Software engineer Ken Kawamoto created ‘The Tempescope’ in an effort to “break the barrier between the digital world and the real world.’
The box can simulate raindrops, clouds and even thunderstorms, taking it’s hourly forecasts from your computer or smartphone.
It contains a water pump, mist diffuser and LEDs to create the mini-meteorological conditions.
Now, it wouldn’t be like us to lose the run of ourselves, but this is totally like a magic crystal ball straight from a Disney villain’s living room.