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21st Feb 2015

“They Will Still Contract Cancers Earlier In Life” – The Anti-Gay Leaflet Circulating In Dublin Today Opposing Same-Sex Marriage

The marriage referendum is expected to be held on Friday, May 22nd.


On Thursday, Taoiseach Enda Kenny announced that the same-sex marriage referendum will take place Friday, May 22nd. 

With the referendum confirmed, campaigns for both sides of the same-sex marriage argument are beginning to gain pace.

Today, during a Divine Mercy event being held in the Dublin’s RDS, a representative from the Alliance for the Defence of the Family and Marriage (ADFAM) handed out a leaflet supporting the ‘No’ campaign to this writer.

The leaflet suggested that voting yes will do “homosexual sexual persons no favours”.

“They will still contract cancers earlier in life. The average life expectancy in same-sex relationships is 60 years. Statistically they are, more than average, subject to alcoholism, illegal drug abuse, depression, and suicide”.

The leaflet in full:

During his interview on Prime Time, Kenny said that the referendum is essentially about tolerance, respect and sensitivity – sadly none of which appear to be present in this disturbing leaflet.

The Taoiseach also expressed his hope that support for the referendum would continue, and added that a large number of the members of the Oireachtas are in favour of it.

There was no official ADFAM presence at the event, however details, including a mobile number and bank details, were listed at the bottom of the page.

The post sparked a massive response from folk online: