Brought to you by Dairygold
Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.
Dairygold’s new Make a Minute campaign is all about ensuring we have more time for the good stuff, like catching up with our nearest and dearest.
Sometimes it’s hard to fit in time to see our besties.
Between our busy work schedules and various family commitments, there’s often not much time left over. But there’s nothing like seeing an old friend for a quick natter and a guaranteed laugh.
So we decided to make things easy for you and have planned seven perfect mate dates.
Now all you need to do is make a minute, send your BFF a message and find out when they’re free.
1. Try a yoga class
Whether you’re an avid yogi or an ambitious beginner, taking a yoga class with your best friend is always going to be an interesting trip out. With so many different types of yoga to choose from, you can try something new each week or stick to the same type.
Either way, you’re guaranteed to get a good giggle watching them trying to contort themselves into all the different positions. Grab your mats, some stretchy clothes and get your zen on. Namaste.
2. Afternoon Tea
Act like you’re awfully sophisticated ladies for one afternoon and one afternoon only.
High tea is a lot more craic when your BFF is there with you. It’s a far cry from how most of us were raised, but it’s fun to act like a suave woman of the world even if it is just for an hour or two.
Nibble on some fancy ass sandwiches (we’re talking the cucumber variety) and sip your tea from delicate china cups, the type your mother would never let you use when you were younger. There’s no better way to gossip the afternoon away.
3. Set up camp
Who wasn’t jealous of Lindsay Lohan’s amazing camping trip in The Parent Trap?
Get some real quality time with you best friend exploring the great outdoors. Leave your phone and tablet at home and get back to nature. Just don’t pull any campsite tricks on each other or one of you could be left stranded!
4. Cycle into the sunset
Cycling was so much fun when we were little.
For most of us, the days when we would hop our bike after school to head over to our friend’s house are long gone. But there’s no reason you can’t relive them. Buy, rent or borrow some wheels for the day and see where the wind takes you. Explore a local landmark or hit the beach in your local area!
5. Plan a picnic
Make the most of the summer and take your best friend to a local beauty spot for a bit of nice food.
Stock up on sambos and for God’s sake don’t forget the flask of tea. Even if you just grab a quick sandwich on your lunch break and head to your local park together it’s nice to spend a bit of time outdoors.
Don’t forget to get a cute Instagram snap of your spread before you tuck in and realistically in Ireland it’s probably best if you bring an umbrella with you!
6. Get some culture
If the weather doesn’t quite comply with some of your outdoor plans you can always choose to duck inside for some cover. With lots of museums and art galleries around Ireland offering free and discounted entry throughout the summer you would be mad not to pop along and see what’s on offer. You can leave feeling rather smug that you’ve gotten your fill of culture.
7. Stay in
Staying in is the new going out haven’t you heard? So while it’s not technically a day out after a long week at work sometimes you just want to curl up on the sofa with your favourite soaps so why not invite your friend to veg out with you. Get the face masks ready and have a bottle of wine chilling in the fridge. Sometimes doing nothing is just better.
This article is brought to you by Dairygold.