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12th Dec 2019

When a rabbit is excited it does a ‘binky’ and more things you need to know today

Jade Hayden


Rabbits are the best pet.

There is no denying this. It is a simple fact.

You may (incorrectly) presume that a dog is the best pet, or indeed a cat – but you would entirely wrong if that was the case, because it’s a rabbit.

There are plenty of reasons in this here article as to why rabbits are notably superior, but if you don’t believe me (or simply aren’t bothered clicking the aforementioned link) never fear.

Because there’s another reason why rabbits are the best: because they binky.

What is a binky? we hear you cry. What does it mean? Why is it relevant to our lives and why are so many Tumblr gifs dedicated to the act?

Because this. This is why.

A rabbit does a binky when a rabbit is very happy, which is inevitably a lovely thing for everyone involved.

The binky occurs when the rabbit jumps up into the air, its body involuntarily twisting around due to the intense delight the animal is feeling.

A true marker of purity, this.

Not all binkies, however, are equal.

Some may appear as a simply high jump, while others exhibit the full throttle of the torso twist, complete with hind leg flicks.

As per.

This upcoming gif does not feature a binky, but an adorable moment between two buns that simply cannot be ignored.

G’wan, the lads.

